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Be Quiet

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Arduino controller

About the project:

University project game created with a custom Arduino controller. It is a horror game in which you control your character using a real torch, and you must ensure to stay quiet, as making noise will be detected by a microphone and will alarm the monster that’s chasing you.

The controller was equipped in 3 light sensors for rotating left to right and moving forward. It also had a microphone and an LED which indicated if the monster heard the player. The light sensors would output a value depending on how much light was shined on them. In the beginning of the game, the player would have to set up a default light threshold value depending on the amount of light in their room. The sensitivity can be adjusted, but it is not needed.

The game has custom arduino controls as well as simple keyboard controls.





Team size:


Development time:

2 months



What I did:

Controller presentation: