Deeper is a personal project I have worked on during summer 2022. It was created to keep up on my programming skills as well as exploration of different parts of game development from UI to the backend dungeon generation mechanics.
This gun system accomodates different gun types like shotguns, semi automatic rifles, automatic rifles ect. All that user has to do is just create a new scriptable object and insert the values accordingly. Below I go through the gun system script step by step and explain how it works.
Scriptable Object
Scriptable Object for a shotgun.
The base for creating each gun consist of a single scriptable object which holds all the information for how the gun functions. That includes the main values which describe the gun's damage, range, fire rate, firing mode etc. As well as the gun model, sounds and special effects.
The main script then checks which weapon is equiped by the player and uses the infromation from the scriptable object to change the weapon model and values.
This movement system is all controlled using a rigidbody and allows the player to walk, crouch, sprint, wallrun, climb walls and pull up ledges. It is also modular with the exception of the core movement (walk, crouch, sprint, slide). Meaning you can enable or disable any part at will. Because it is so extensive I will only cover wall climbing.
Movement scripts on the playe gameobject.
By separating the different parts of player movement into their own classes it allows for a wider ranger of customisation. We can disable or enable a script to give or take away a certain ability like climbing walls or wallrunning.